11 Mistakes You Never Noticed in Blockbuster Space Movies
In space, no one can hear you say "oops." Even the biggest movies set in space, like this week's "Passengers," have a few unavoidable plot holes, continuity errors, and, in some cases, blatant gaffes. Here's a roundup of some of galactic cinema's most noticeable movie mistakes. As always, all images courtesy of MovieMistakes.com.
‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1967)
When Dave (Keir Dullea) begins to disconnect HAL's (Douglas Rain, voice) circuits, he is shown unlocking the first, second, and then the third unit. In an overhead shot he’s seen removing the key from the third lock, but when the angle changes he's is pulling the key from the second lock and then moves to unlock the third again.
'Gravity' (2013)
As if "Gravity" wasn't disorienting enough. As Dr. Stone (Sandra Bullock) falls, the ropes from the parachute around the satellite are on her right. In the next shot, the ropes from the parachute have moved to her left. She was only shown spiraling downwards, so her position relative to the ropes shouldn't have changed.
‘Armageddon’ (1998)
When the crew exits the bus, many of them, including Harry (Bruce Willis) and A.J. (Ben Affleck) are wearing sunglasses. However, in the following slow-mo shot no one is wearing sunglasses.
'Guardians of the Galaxy' (2014)
When Quill (Chris Pratt) and Gamora (Zoe Saldana) meet for he first time, Quill throws a laser-guided bola device that snares her legs. She pulls it off, and immediately, in the next shot, it disappears. Even if she was able to escape it quickly, wouldn't the device be sitting on the ground?
‘Alien’ (1979)
Throughout this scene, Brett's (Harry Dean Stanton) cigarette changes lengths. At first it is short, then long, and then short again.
‘Star Wars’ (1977)
When Luke (Mark Hamill) and Obi-Wan (Alec Guinness) enter Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisley, as the first shot ends C-3PO is turned to his left and is standing closely behind Obi-Wan’s left shoulder. In the next shot, C-3PO is turned to his right and is standing further away from Obi-Wan and is now behind Obi-Wan's right side.
‘Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones’ (2002)
In the scene where Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) lands on the cloners' planet, a shot from behind reveals that it is raining with drops falling from right to left. In the next shot in front of Obi-Wan, the raindrops are still falling right to left. Since the angle changed by 180 degrees the rain should be shown falling in the opposite direction.
‘Star Trek’ (2009)
When Captain Robau (Faran Tahir) enters the bridge of the Kelvin he is wearing his Star Fleet insignia. When he sits in his chair, however, it is missing.
‘The Fifth Element’ (1997)
When Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) is on the ledge outside of the building, the police corner her and take her picture. When they take the photo her face is calm, but when the picture is shown on the police screen in a close-up she looks shocked, her eyes are looking in a different direction, and her hair is messier.
‘Starship Troopers’ (1997)
In this first shot when Rico (Casper Van Dien) is running up the ramp to capture the red flag, he drops his gun and it lands with the strap towards the top of the ramp. In the subsequent wide shot, the strap is much closer towards the bottom of the ramp.
'Total Recall' (1990)
Where's the room for Arnie?! When Arnold Schwarzenegger's character tries to sneak through security in a technologically advanced disguise, his mask is released via a switch near the ear ... but then the ear, which is connected to a large shaft, starts to extend outside of the headpiece, leaving audiences to wonder how, exactly, Arnie's head can even fit inside.