Sorry, Christian Bale Just Shut Down That 'Batman v Superman' Theory
But do we believe him? Eh. Probably. "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is coming out March 25th, 2016, with Ben Affleck in the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne. However, one fan -- with superpowers of creativity, deduction, and perhaps delusion -- posted a very detailed theory online suggesting that Ben Affleck is not playing Bruce Wayne, he'll be Deathstroke, aka Slade Wilson.
The fan goes a lot further, with other character fake-out suggestions, and shares "evidence" of it all. As Cosmic Book News broke it down, "So if Ben Affleck is playing Deathstroke, the theory goes that Christian Bale will be appearing at the end of Batman Vs. Superman (forming the Justice League?) and will appear in the Justice League Part 1 and Part 2 movies, with Affleck also appearing as Deathstoke in Suicide Squad."
The idea is that "Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman" continue Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, with Christian Bale still being Batman.
But this is all news to Christian Bale. While he was attempting to promote the premiere of his movie "The Big Short,"Entertainment Tonight asked him about the fan theory. "I haven't heard that. This is the first I've heard of it. I think it's pretty clear that Ben [Affleck] is playing Batman now." ET added that, in case you thought he might just be skirting the issue to avoid spoilers, Bale added, "No, it's not happening."
Oh well. It's still an interesting theory.
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