Sean Penn Admits He's 'Not in Love' With Acting Anymore
Sean Penn seems to join the ranks of people who don't necessarily love their job.
Although the actor has won some of his field's biggest awards over the years, he no longer seems to be feeling the passion for it he once did. The two-time Academy Award winner reportedly indicated as much in a "CBS Sunday Morning" interview that will air this weekend.
"It can be great when you're working with good actors or good directors or good writing as an exercise, but do I have a belief that it has a lasting value?" he said to interviewer Tracy Smith, according to Deadline. "Maybe, I could make the argument intellectually. But I don't have a visceral -- I'm not in love with that anymore."
Penn has apparently been feeling this way "for some time," which is fair. His career has spanned decades, dating back to his TV roles of the '70s and then growing to include credits for more than 50 films. If he isn't feeling as inspired as he once was, we can't really blame him.
While being in front of the camera may be losing its luster, Penn is still excited about writing. His first novel, "Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff," a story about a septic tank salesman who becomes an assassin, comes out soon. Maybe he just needs to write roles that will bring back the spark.