The 9 Saddest Deaths in the Buffyverse, Ranked
Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel," and now we no longer get attached to people, because they could be cut in half at any moment. These are the 9 permanent deaths from the Buffyverse that left us in shambles. (Dying and coming back doesn't count, Buffy.)
9. Kendra Young, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
We didn't really get to know Kendra (Bianca Lawson) that well, but she was just trying to help and it got her killed. She was activated when Buffy died, but since Buffy is the main character, we knew she was coming back. Unfortunately for Kendra, she didn't get the chance to grow up.
8. Jenny Calendar, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Jenny (Robia LaMorte) bugged us sometimes, but Giles loved her, so we let her into our hearts. Big mistake. She was completely innocent and was killed to hurt Giles. The vision of rose petals leading up the stairs still haunts us to this day.
7. Allen Francis Doyle, 'Angel'
Doyle (Glenn Quinn) was only around for about 10 episodes of "Angel." But, much like Cordelia, we got attached real fast. His death on the show is only made sadder by the fact that the actor passed away in 2002.
6. Cordelia Chase, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel'
Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter) deserved the world! If you look up character arc in the dictionary, there is simply a picture of her. Cordelia's death really, really bums us out. The only reason her demise isn't higher on this list is because she died offscreen and we didn't find out until later. She deserved a tearful goodbye, but the shock overtook the sadness. We're kind of thankful for it.
5. Anya Jenkins, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Our little patriot! Even though she wasn't an original part of the Scooby Gang, Anya (Emma Caulfield) quickly became one of our favorite characters. We still want to blind Xander in his other eye for leaving her at the altar. Just like Cordelia, we didn't really have time to mourn Anya, which makes her death more in the middle in terms of sadness. She died in the middle of a battle in the series finale and we just couldn't keep up. We still miss her, though.
4. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel'
Wesley (Alexis Denisof) started out as the nerdy know-it-all on "Buffy," but became the nerdy, hot know-it-all on "Angel." He made it to the series finale, but not to the final showdown. And who knows if anyone actually survived that, anyway. What made Wesley's death so traumatizing was Illyria turning into Fred to say goodbye. So many tears.
3. Winifred Burkle, 'Angel'
Fred (Amy Acker) was probably the most innocent character to ever exist in the Buffyverse. She would've gotten along with early seasons Willow, but not post-going-evil Willow. Her relationship with Wesley was amazing and she was finally living her life after being trapped for years. When she died slowly in Wesley's arms, we sobbed and sobbed. We haven't been the same since. She turned into Illyria, so we still got to look at Acker's face, but she wasn't Fred.
2. Tara Maclay, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
When Tara (Amber Benson) died, we got pretty close to going full Evil Willow. Tara had been through so much, and things were finally looking up for her. We can't even think about it, it's too sad.
1. Joyce Summers, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Were you expecting anyone other than Joyce (Kristine Sutherland) as No. 1? Not only did we have a whole episode to mourn her passing, but she died from natural causes. In a world filled with demons and vampires, you forget that sometimes life can end without the help of a Hellmouth. If you weren't already crying, Anya's speech about not understanding human death will get you there.