Ryan Reynolds Says Patrick Stewart is the Real Sexiest Man Alive
Blake Shelton was just crowned People's "Sexiest Man Alive," a choice which left a lot of folks scratching their heads.
Among them, former "Sexiest Man Alive" Ryan Reynolds, who informed another former title holder, Hugh Jackman, that Sir Patrick Stewart is really the sexiest man on the planet.
You're both just speed bumps on the road to @SirPatStew. Outta the way. https://t.co/yglw2kegAB
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 16, 2017
Stewart obliged by sharing a photo of him rocking a leather vest (settle down -- and a T-shirt) on the cover of an old TV Guide cover, saying "Gentlemen, come at me when you are THIS sexy."
Gentlemen, come at me when you are THIS sexy. #SexiestManAlive#WelcomeToTheGunShow@BlakeShelton@RealHughJackman@VanCityReynolds@Peoplehttps://t.co/xW5UywY4lppic.twitter.com/vWrRxRGqJe
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) November 17, 2017
Meanwhile, Shelton has been reacting with good humor to all the slams against his new "sexy" status, reading mean tweets like "Blake Shelton isn't even the sexiest man at this Waffle House."