Some Fans Want Quentin Tarantino to Direct 'Deadpool 2'
After the recent departure of Tim Miller, "Deadpool 2" is scrambling to find a new director. Now, a group of passionate fans has zeroed in on a high-profile candidate they think would be perfect for the job.
One outspoken "Deadpool" devotee has started a petition to land none other than Quentin Tarantino for the coveted gig. According to fan Carl Champion Jr., Tarantino and the Merc With a Mouth are a match made in heaven, and the verbose writer-director's hypothetical dialogue for Ryan Reynolds's snarky character "would be so glorious."
Champion further explained his rationale for campaigning on behalf of Tarantino:
Quentin Tarantino is the master of writing dialogue, and Ryan Reynolds is a master of delivering dialogue. Tarantino makes ultra-violent movies where you love the characters, with horrible language, sexy women, and a villain you will NEVER forget. Tell me Marvel doesn't need another one of those.
The fan added that the director's signature blending of film styles would lend itself well to the genre-defying "Deadpool," and that big screen combination is "almost guaranteed to make a billion dollars." It certainly sounds intriguing to us.
So far, Champion's petition has more than 8,000 supporters, and that number is continually growing. It may not be a binding contract, but we're guessing that all of that buzz will probably garner some sort of response from either Tarantino or Reynolds soon. Stay tuned.
Photo credit: AFP/Getty Images