'Pretty Little Liars' Season 6, Episode 19 Recap: Did Hanna Kill Charlotte?
Things that happened during this week's "Pretty Little Liars" episode: Hanna confessed to Charlotte's murder. Intrigued? Read on, brave souls, because the liars have a plan and that can only mean one thing: death, epic failure, and a chorus of "nopes."
In Which Mona Gets a PhD in Acting Shady
Look, we have no idea what Mona Vanderwall's up to, but apparently the liars think she kinda-sorta-maybe tried to kill Charlotte on the night she died. Their proof? She attempted to meet up with Char at a diner, only she didn't show (due to being murdered). Plus, the liars spot Mona with Sara Harvey's male companion (the one who helps with her ~mysterious hand damage~), which sets off all kinds of alarm bells. What the liars don't realize is that poor Mona's simply trying to do them a solid by telling Sara to peace out. Jeez, guys, give the poor girl a break. Leave Britney Alone!
In Which Ali Gets Pushed Down Some Stairs
Either way, the liars think A tried to off Ali due to a creepy card Hanna found in a flower bouquet, but honestly, when have they ever been right about anything? Never, that's when.
In Which Ezra and Aria Continue to Have an Incredibly Inappropriate Relationship
Don't worry everyone, Ezra and Aria are still writing their (LOLOLOL) book, and it turns out Ezra's using it to work through some extremely tragic memories of his old relationship. You know, the one with that girl who mysteriously died in the jungle? Turns out poor Ezra's been feeling guilty because they were in a fight before her disappearance, and to make matters even more complicated, Aria tells Ezra about #NewA. Sigh, Lord knows how many terrible beer-fueled decisions he'll make now.
In Which Hanna Confesses
Remember, "Pretty Little Liars'" mid-season finale airs next Tuesday, so hopefully we'll get some answers. *crosses fingers*