'Pretty Little Liars' Season 5, Episode 15 Recap: The Liars Destroy Evidence!
Remember last week when the pretty little liars had Alison DiLaurentis arrested for Mona Vanderwaal's murder? And then they were like "hooray, we captured A!" How adorable. Clearly these poor girls have learned zero lessons from being stalked by a deranged it-girl, because A is still very much around, and s/he's out for blood.
This week, the ladies realize that Detective Holbrock might be helping Ali get her A-game on in jail, and they make it their mission to discover the truth. Eager to find out more? Check out our recap, which we swear is less complicated than actually watching "Pretty Little Liars."
In Which Toby Expects Us To Believe He's A Policeman and Spencer Joins Team Caleb
In case the uniform and sudden interest in giant photographic lenses wasn't a giveaway, Toby Cavanaugh is still a policeman. Which is still hilarious. Toby's job has come in pretty handy (or should we say "job" –– seriously, what does he actually do all day?), and this week he recovers a bloody knife while strolling around Mona's property. Said knife belongs to the Cavanaugh family, and Toby wants to turn it over to the police so they can run prints and hopefully ID Ali as Mona's killer. However, Spencer and Caleb are like "this is the worst idea ever, even worse than the time you whittled a rocking chair" (in so many words) and want to destroy the knife so A can't get his/her mitts on it.
Obviously, this leads to Toby having a mini-breakdown about policeman ethics, which puts major pressure on his relationship with Spencer. Ultimately, she decides to betray Toby's trust and sneak into the woods to steal the knife with Caleb, who intends to melt it in a kiln. Of course, Caleb gets himself locked in the kiln and almost burns to death, so ya know. The usual.
Wondering how Ali's spending her time in prison? Aside from wearing a jaunty orange jumpsuit, she whiles away her day feeling sorry for herself, getting her hair blown-out (it looks really good, just saying) and trying to convince her former friends that she's innocent. Ali even tells Hanna that she has an alibi for Mona's death –– she was busy being stood up by her old enemy Cyrus Petrillo! But does Hanna believe her? Not a chance.
In other news, it appears as though Ezra's decided that he's bored with his current pastime of stalking teenagers, and has opened a local book store / coffee shop. This makes him Emily's boss, which is all kinds of awkward –– especially when he hires a girl named Talia to replace her as a caterer for opening night. Poor Emily just wants to earn enough money to buy plane tickets to see Paige, and it's like get your act together Ezra, you're literally a millionaire. Buy this poor girl her air fare!
Annnnnd moving right along....
In Which Aria Puts Her Relationship In Jeopardy and Hanna's Teddy Bear Gets Disemboweled In A Trailer Park
Apparently there is life after Rosewood, and the pretty little liars are in the midst of college applications! The problem? Aria hasn't gotten into any schools, and to make matters worse Ezra's ex-girlfriend, Jackie, works in admissions at the only college she gets wait-listed at. In an act of pure desperation, Aria writes Jackie a letter saying that her relationship with Ezra ruined her life, and shockingly it does the trick. Jackie pities Aria and accepts her application, but we have a feeling it won't be too long before A plants a copy of her letter on Ezra...in fact Aria finds a fragment of the letter at the end of this episode...
And now, for some burning questions. Where do we start?
1. Why is Paige ignoring Emily? Did they break up and forget to tell us?
2. Is Detective Holbrook really working for Ali? And if he isn't, where was he during his so-called "trip to see his dad"?
3. Will Spencer and Toby break up now that he's a policeman? Considering that two of Spencer's best friends are murderers, he should probably watch himself.
4. Is Ali telling the truth about her alibi, or is this another one of her lies?
5. Why did Mona's murderer use a knife from Toby's cabin –– could someone in his family be the killer?