'Pretty Little Liars' Fans React to Series Finale: 'Disappointed Is an Understatement'
"Pretty Little Liars" is now over, but fans still have strong feelings and a lot of questions. There were definitely some highs to the two-hour series finale -- Aria and Ezra's wedding, a Haleb pregnancy, that genius horse -- but also some head-scratchers, like A.D. being Spencer's British twin, and Wren being Emison's baby daddy. Some viewers compared PLL's end to the end of "Gossip Girl," and not in a good way.
No matter what, you had to know the fans would be emotional to say goodbye after seven years, but also frustrated about some of the reveals, and non-reveals. PLL fans are always vocal, and here are some of their reactions during and after the finale:
When you still have questions after being promised answers to everything #PLLEndGame#PllFinalpic.twitter.com/AG7jbJf5Sm
— Millie Windibank (@Millie_W21) June 28, 2017
So their not going to explain
1. How did the mom's escape
2. Why Mya was mentioned
3. How did Alex kill Wren
4. The new "liars"#PLLFinale— Bria May (@May_Rose18) June 28, 2017
So it took them and us seven years figuring out who AD was and a horse and Jenna Marshall can do it in seconds...#PLLEndGame#PLL
— Mickesch ❄ (@Mickeesch) June 28, 2017
Spent years watching PLL only to be given an evil twin with a bad accent and a horse that's a better detective than all of them. #PLLEndGamepic.twitter.com/nsMIgC0R2k
— Jess Court (@Jess_rose_16) June 28, 2017
I have never laughed so hard in my entire life #PLLEndGame#PLLGameOverpic.twitter.com/8c3uwY4lHz
— natalya m. ✨ (@natbaaby) June 28, 2017
When you spent 7 years of your life watching PLL just to be confused more than ever by the ending #PLLEndGamepic.twitter.com/6u4He3hl1x
— Kelli (@KelliM1997) June 28, 2017
When you've wasted 7 years on PLL just to find out AD is a person that barely appeared in the final episode. ???????????????????????????????????? #PLLEndGame
— Aaliyah ???? (@Aaliyah_wade13) June 28, 2017
— αrtρσρ αlien (@discoscepter) June 28, 2017
When they try to make a Pretty Little Liars 2.0! SORRY ADDISON! I DONT HAVE ANOTHER 7 YEARS!! ???? #PLLEndGamepic.twitter.com/MEWN5eJqSZ
— Adriana Garcia (@AdrianaGarciaYi) June 28, 2017
— mia (@mialvasquez) June 28, 2017
With all the clues throughout the series I was hoping Wren would end up being A, instead he ends up a necklace. #pll#PLLEndGame#PLLFinale
— Alyse (@alysenikole) June 28, 2017
That was the finale I wanted ❤️ I can't believe it's all over. Thank you for the 7 years. I'm gonna miss it so much! ????#PLLEndGAme#PLLFinale
— Diana Encarnacion (@dianencarnacion) June 28, 2017
You know the finale is not good when the fans' theories are smarter, better & more entertaining than the writer's stories #PLLFinalepic.twitter.com/csGlrkeccS
— ❄️ (@vevo_z) June 28, 2017
#pllfinale AD literally had hardly any motivation to do this? Disappointed is an understatement
— Mills (@MillyChaplyn) June 28, 2017
Ezria is married & adopting
Spoby might get back together
Emison had twins & are engaged
Haleb is married & expecting
& Mona WON#PLLFinalepic.twitter.com/x95HEGfHr8— LovaticsSupportGroup (@Lovatics820) June 28, 2017
This is even worse than when we found out Dan was Gossip Girl #PLLEndGame
— nagdeluxe (@nagdeluxe) June 28, 2017
I'm honest the scene with the "new liars" was really unnecessary. They could have stopped here #pll#PLLFinale#PLLGameOverpic.twitter.com/trf4BixHeH
— ????Cla???? (@Truthscreams) June 28, 2017
7 years... #PLLFinalepic.twitter.com/aX2FrRWaO7
— Proud Camilizer (@ACabello_97) June 28, 2017
Lmaooo this pll finale is worse than gossip girls finale #PLLEndGamepic.twitter.com/959cDL4CKf
— supernova girl (@kitdae) June 28, 2017
That was the worst series finale I've ever watched. Disappointed is an understatement. #PLLFinale#PLLEndGame
— Ali Ballentine (@Ali_Ballentine) June 28, 2017
7 years of my life dedicated to #pll and all you give me is a twin with a bad accent. #PLLGameOver#PLLFinalepic.twitter.com/txEi9fbNwP
— christina pelliccino (@TLAddiction) June 28, 2017
The smartest character in pretty little liars #PLLGameOver#PllFinal#PLLEndGame#PLLFinalepic.twitter.com/DrcgQfEB1h
— disturbia (@folieadeux_x_) June 28, 2017
There's so much more out there, a mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
For her part, Troian Bellisario (Spencer/Alex) talked to Elle.com about the finale, adding this about the big reveal...
ELLE: "How does it feel now that the world finally knows who Uber A is?"
TROIAN: "I'm just nervous about how the hell this character is going to go over. It's bold! But even if you figure out that Spencer has a twin, you're never going to guess the backstory and the insanity that brought her to Rosewood. So I think there are still going to be surprises. I also feel like you're not going to get through seven seasons of this twisty-turny, topsy-turvy show, then see me spin around as a different person with a different accent and be like, 'No, no, I don't buy it.' We've made these great leaps and unexpected turns, and the audience has come with us every time. So I have a lot of faith that the audience is just going to enjoy it. And that's what I hope for them. If it's the last two hours you may ever get to spend in Rosewood, then God, I hope to sh*t you enjoy it."
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