Peter Jackson's World War I Documentary Gets December Release Date
Peter Jackson's World War I documentary, "They Shall Not Grow Old" will hit the big screen in the US on December 17 and December 27.
Tickets for the Fathom Events-sponsored showings go on sale November 16.
Jackson had access to more than 600 hours of BBC archival interviews in assembling the documentary, which he painstakingly restored and colorized.
"We have transformed 100-year-old film footage to see the Great War as the soldiers themselves saw it," Jackson says in the trailer.
He recorded a special introduction to the film for the Fathom Events screenings.
Fathom Events CEO Ray Nutt told Variety, "Putting this documentary on the big screen... will allow moviegoers to see the impressive visual detail of the restored footage as though they were a part of that moment in time."
In the UK, the documentary airs on BBC on November 11, which is Armistice Day in Europe, the day when WWI hostilities ceased. (We celebrate it in the US as Veteran's Day, of course.)
[Via Variety]