It's Official: Patty Jenkins Will Return to Direct 'Wonder Woman 2'
When Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) returns to the big screen in her next standalone feature, she'll have the same wonderful woman sitting in the director's chair: Patty Jenkins has just officially signed on to helm "Wonder Woman 2."
Variety reports that Jenkins recently closed her deal to return for the sequel, which is due in theaters in 2019. No financial terms were disclosed, but previous reports indicated that the director was holding out for a big payday -- enough to make her the highest-paid female director ever (Variety puts that number at about $8 million, plus a "substantial" deal that will give her a cut of the flick's future box office proceeds). It looks like Jenkins was successful in her quest.
The director is more than deserving of a lucrative contract, considering the global critical and commercial success of "Wonder Woman," which soared to an international haul of more than $800 million. It's now the highest-grossing flick, domestically, of Warner Bros.'s recent batch of DCEU films, beating out "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."
While her involvement in the flick has only just been made official, Jenkins has already been hard at work on the follow-up's script, which she's co-writing with DCEU mastermind Geoff Johns. She previously revealed that "Wonder Woman 2" will see the titular heroine finally journey to America.
"Wonder Woman 2" is currently slated for release on December 13, 2019.
[via: Variety]