'Orange Is the New Black' Season 4 Primer: Here's Where Season 3 Left Off
Season 3 of "Orange Is the New Black" premiered over a year ago, so we don't blame you for not remembering what happened ... Netflix sure likes to jam-pack a whole lot into 13 episodes, and it gets harder and harder to keep track of all that inmate drama as the show goes on. To get ready for Season 4's June 17th premiere, here's a handy-dandy recap of where we left the major characters at the end of Season 3. Back to Litchfield we go! [Spoilers ahead!]
Piper used her entrepreneurial spirit to turn her prison job making Whispers brand lingerie into a dirty panty selling business on the outside. As she became the panty queen of Litchfield and her and Alex's romantic relationship went sour, she also started to develop a thing for new inmate Stella. She and Stella got hot and heavy, but then Stella ended up stealing from her! Just how did Piper get her back? She planted contraband in her room just days before her release. That's cold, Pipes. Lesson learned: Don't mess with Piper!
In Season 3, Nicky and prison electrician Luschek combined forces to sell Vee's heroine stash, but he ended up ratting her out when Caputo became aware of the drugs. The whole thing landed her in Max and we haven't seen her since. Here's hoping she pops up in Season 4...
Daya and Aleida
Much of Season 3 prepared us for the birth of Daya and Bennett's baby. Aleida planned on basically selling the child to Pornstache's mother, Delia (Mary Steenburgen), which caused huge problems for her and Daya. Ater Daya gave birth, Aleida decided to tell Delia the baby had died and put the newborn in Cesar's care instead. Later we see Cesar being arrested by the DEA, so the fate of the baby is now unknown.
Sophia and Gloria
Sophia and Gloria's relationship took a turn for the worse after Sophia blamed Gloria's son for being a bad influence on her son. This caused Aleida to spread transphobic rumors about Sophia, leading Sophia to get assaulted by a group of inmates. The violent attack sadly landed her in SHU for "her own protection."
Lorna Morello became Lorna Muccio when she married her new pen-pal sweetheart Vince in a quickie prison ceremony. The loved-up pair sealed the deal with a conjugal visit in the season finale. We wonder how the newlyweds will fare in Season 4...
Soso, Poussey, and Taystee
Throughout Season 3, we witnessed Brook Soso's decline into a deep depression, which culminated in her suicide attempt. Poussey, who dealt with alcoholism throughout the season, found and saved Soso and the two of them began to connect on a deeper level. Taystee took on a mama bear role, taking care of both Poussey and Crazy Eyes.
Crazy Eyes captured the attention of Litchfield by writing a popular erotic novel, "The Time Hump Chronicles," which included alien orgies and someone named Space Admiral Rodcocker. Let the fan fiction begin! She also shared a moment with another inmate, Maureen. Will there be more love in the air for these two in Season 4?
Alex returned to Litchfield only to face intense paranoia over her hunch that Kubra would get someone on the inside to kill her. In a tense season finale moment, we saw a hitman-turned-guard confront her. Will she survive?
Pennsatucky and Big Boo
Season 3 was a heartbreaking one for Pennsatucky, as she dealt with being raped by Officer Coates. She also developed a strong friendship with Big Boo throughout and the unlikely duo teamed up for revenge. She ended up faking a seizure to get out of her prison job and escape Coates, but at the end of the season we learned that his next van duty partner is Maritza. This leads us to question if he'll repeat the sexual abuse with her.
Caputo got promoted to Warden after Director of Human Activities Danny (Mike Birbiglia) quit following the decision to send Sophia to SHU. The guards then staged a walkout, leaving the inmates unattended and headed to the lake outside the prison walls for a moment of freedom. Not a good start for his new gig...
Red reclaimed ownership of the kitchen in Season 3, just in time to deal with the MCC's gross new boil-in-the-bag meal preparation plan. Luckily, she ended up sourcing edible food from the prison garden. She and Healy's relationship also continued to evolve as he grew further apart from his wife. Though there appeared to be romantic feelings developing, Red shut it down and told him that "their ships passed too late in the night."
Black Cindy
Black Cindy originally wanted to be Jewish as a way to score Kosher meals, but in Season 3, she realized she had truly "found her people" and fully converted to Judaism, calling herself Tova.