Oprah Says She Isn't Running for President in 2020
Oprah Winfrey has built her career around being an inspirational figure, and after her soaring speech at the Golden Globes earlier this year, many assumed that the trailblazer would take the next logical step: run for president. But the media queen has put the kibosh on those rumors -- for now, at least -- stating in a recent interview that she's not interested in the job.
The interview in question, with InStyle, was actually conducted several weeks before the Globes, and it's possible that Winfrey's mind may have changed on the subject since then. (Especially after such a strong positive reaction from fans, and some hopeful words from her best friend, Gayle King.) But her remarks make it clear that she doesn't want to run in 2020, and strongly suggest that she probably never will.
When asked about people's desire to see her campaign for the office, Winfrey said that she just doesn't think she's cut out for the job.
"I've always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it's not something that interests me," she told InStyle. "I don't have the DNA for it."
Winfrey also revealed that someone had recently offered to help her run a campaign.
"That's not for me," she said.
So it certainly sounds like a pretty definitive decision on her part. Still, stranger things have happened. We'll keep our fingers crossed that Oprah keeps an open mind.
[via: InStyle]