Nina Dobrev Says Goodbye to 'Vampire Diaries' in Beautiful Teen Choice Speech
Nina Dobrev's goodbye to the character(s) she played for six years.
Nina, TVD, and her former co-star Ian Somerhalder won several awards, with Nina picking up Choice TV Actress: Sci-Fi/Fantasy. She started her speech with some funny vampire fangs in her mouth, then acknowledged (to awwws from the crowd) that she doesn't need them anymore.
Here's Nina's beautiful acceptance speech, welcoming the change in her life:
The last few months have been a pretty big change for me. 'Change.' It's a scary word, or at least I used to think that, because it meant new beginnings. New beginnings with a future that was unknown. But change is necessary, necessary for you to grow and to learn and to better yourself. Because everything in life comes to an end, and as this chapter of my life comes to an end, I look back on it with a grateful heart and I smile. Because just like my character, Elena, I started the show as a young girl and together we grew up. We've grown up and over the last six years we've become women. These were six incredible years I've had the pleasure of spending with all of you guys."
The audience cheered. Nina said she wouldn't be there without the fans, then promised good stuff ahead. "So remember, change is coming, so hold on and enjoy the ride, all right? It's going to be fun."
Watch and love:
Congrats, Nina! Here are the other Teen Choice winners.
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