Watch Nicole Kidman Tease Jimmy Fallon About Second Failed Date
The last time "The Tonight Show," she embarrassed host Jimmy Fallon by recounting a time years ago when he blew a chance to date her. Last night, she revealed that he blew a second chance to date her. Oh, Jimmy ...
"We were at David Fincher's house. I think it was David's house, and it was when Brad [Pitt] and Jen [Aniston] were still together, so it was a long time ago," Kidman explained, as Fallon sputtered in shock. "And you could have asked for my number then because it was round two -- well, second chance. And you still didn't ask for it!"Fallon struggled to even remember the dinner party, so Kidman continued to enlighten him. "We were kind of lurking in the kitchen. Everyone went out, and I'm waiting and waiting and waiting," she said. "And you're at the buffet, and this is so true and you know it. And you still didn't ask for my number, so you were so not interested."
As the audience howled with laughter, the host appeared amazed at this new intelligence. "[The audience] is shocked for a different reason. They're like, 'He wouldn't have a chance in hell with Nicole Kidman,'" the beet-faced Fallon replied. "Why would I even ask you?"
Of course, now, years later, both Fallon and Kidman have spouses and kids. Kidman's husband, country singer Keith Urban, joined her on stage and even invited Fallon to their Nashville home. "Actually I feel quite safe because you have no problem ignoring my wife in the kitchen apparently," Urban joked.
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