New 'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Promo Sends Kings & Queens on a 'Long Walk'
King Jon Snow.
Queen Daenerys Targaryen.
Queen Cersei Lannister.
The Night's King?
Who will "Sit Down" -- and stay down -- on the Iron Throne in "Game of Thrones" Season 7?
We know Cersei (Lena Headey) was crowned at the end of Season 6, but Dany (Emilia Clarke) was seen crossing the Narrow Sea with her army in the same finale, with plans to take the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Jon (Kit Harington) was just crowned the King in the North, and -- north of The Wall -- the Night's King and his fellow White Walkers are gearing up for The Great War to end all mankind. So maybe consider holding off on buying real estate in the Seven Kingdoms until all of this is settled.
HBO just released an official new promo, titled "Long Walk," but set to a version of the James track "Sit Down."
This "Long Walk" of our leading royals does not qualify as a full Season 7 trailer, so we're still waiting for that massive thing to show up. "Game of Thrones" Season 7 premieres Sunday, July 16 on HBO.
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