Netflix Promises to Cut Back on Onscreen Smoking After 'Stranger Things' Controversy
Netflix is snuffing out the depiction of smoking in its television shows following a report that called out tobacco usage on "Stranger Things."
A study by The Truth Initiative, a nonprofit public health organization working to eliminate tobacco use, measured the use of tobacco in 13 shows across broadcast, cable and streaming services.
For the second consecutive year, Netflix topped the study's list with nearly triple the number of tobacco instances (866) compared with the prior year. The study found that 100 percent of the "Stranger Things" episodes it looked at included tobacco.
"Smoking on the small screen has gone from common to nearly unavoidable, as popular programs like 'Stranger Things,' 'Orange Is the New Black' and 'Modern Family' increasingly show images of tobacco and portray characters who smoke," the report concluded.
In response, Netflix is vowing to cut back on depictions of smoking, particularly in shows geared toward younger viewers.
"Netflix strongly supports artistic expression. We also recognize that smoking is harmful and when portrayed positively on screen can adversely influence young people," the streamer said in a statement.
"Going forward, all new projects that we commission with ratings of TV-14 or below for series or PG-13 or below for films, will be smoking and e-cigarette free — except for reasons of historical or factual accuracy. For new projects with higher ratings, there'll be no smoking or e-cigarettes unless it's essential to the creative vision of the artist or because it's character-defining (historically or culturally important)."
Netflix will also start featuring information about tobacco use in the ratings boxes included with each show.