7 Mistakes You Never Noticed in Iconic Mystery-Thrillers
Mystery-thrillers, like this weekend's "Inferno," keep us clinging to the edges of our seats for dear life. In fact, we're so busy being thrilled that any continuity errors, gaffes, or all-out mistakes pretty much go unnoticed. Luckily for you, we've compiled a list of movie mistakes pulled from some of cinema history's most notable mysteries, like "Memento" and "Vertigo." As usual, all photos come courtesy of MovieMistakes.com.
'Memento' (2000)
Lenny (Guy Pearce) carries a Polaroid photo of Natalie (Carrie-Anne Moss) with him to remember her. In his photograph of her, the curtains behind her are closed and there is a mirror on the wall to the left. However, when we see Lenny actually take the photo in her house, the curtains are opened and there is no mirror.
'North by Northwest' (1959)
Just before the gun is fired at the Mount Rushmore cafe, a boy puts his fingers in his ears in anticipation of the gun shot.
'Chinatown' (1974)
As Gittes (Jack Nicholson) crashes into a tree at the orange grove, a steel plate is visible around the base of the tree. This was likely added by the filmmakers to protect the tree from the car's impact.
'The Usual Suspects' (1995)
As the cop car is getting hijacked, a sledgehammer smashes a hole right in the center of the windshield. In the following shot from inside the cop car, the impact point is now in the lower left of the windshield.
'Seven' (1995)
On his way to the library, Somerset (Morgan Freeman) is wearing a blue and white shirt, however, when he arrives at the library, he is wearing a completely white shirt. That's awfully suspicious behavior, sir...
'Manhunter' (1986)
When Will Graham (William Peterson) is talking to his kid in the supermarket, the items on the shelves behind him change throughout the scene.
'Vertigo' (1958)
The book display in the shop's window changes between the time Scottie (James Stewart) enters and exists the bookshop. (Or maybe the books just had a bad case of vertigo...)