Mr. Moviefone and Charlie Mortdecai's Most Gentlemanly Twitter Spat
When two dapper gentlemen disagree, the next logical step is to duke it out... on Twitter.
Aristocratic art dealer Charlie Mortdecai and debonair entertainment enthusiast Mr. Moviefone have been tussling on Twitter for the past few days, and things have gotten heated -- well, as heated as they can get between two gentleman of a dignified nature.
On day one, the pair engaged in verbal fisticuffs over a certain "Gentleman's Guide."
.@moviefone? That's quite a surname! Are you by chance related to Sir Reginald Moviefone, Duke of Chutney?
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 21, 2015
#MrMoviefoneWhat a chap does with them is up to him. You did wear proper trousers, I hope? @Moviefone
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 21, 2015
The next day, they were at it again. Harassment was the instigator, and a cryptic exchange was the result.
.@moviefone why use 10 words for constructive criticism when 10,000 words will do? Brevity is an insult to an extensive vocabulary, sir.
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 22, 2015
#MrMoviefone, I have spent years assembling a consortium of contacts whose intel reaches unnervingly far. @Moviefone
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 22, 2015
And, finally, the dueling duo ended their syntactic sparring with an ado adieu.
#MrMoviefone, this is a scenario wherein a private message would be more suitable. Public declinations are not gentlemanly. @Moviefone
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 23, 2015
I am sorry, #MrMoviefone, though this does explain where my last ten issues of Highlights magazine are. @Moviefone
- Charlie Mortdecai (@PartTimeRogue) January 23, 2015
"Mortdecai" is in theaters now.