Rewrite Your Least Favorite Movie Ending at Moviefone’s San Diego Comic Con Panel
Is there a movie you absolutely love that’s saddled with an ending that you totally hate? (“Wonder Woman” we’re looking in your direction.) Well now is your chance to rewrite history with Moviefone’s very own San Diego Comic Con panel, Happy Endings, which is happening on Saturday, July 20th from 8:00p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Room: 28DE.
Here’s the official description of the panel:
There's nothing worse than a great movie that blows it at the end. Moderator Grae Drake (Ms. Moviefone) asks you to pitch your alternate (not necessarily happy) endings for otherwise-great films to a panel of judges made up of movie critics, filmmakers, actors, comedians, and other opinionated movie-lovers. You know, like a live version of that petition you signed that one time! Each idea is ranked on its merits by the judges and audience, and at the end of the panel the winner will be declared and a team of improv performers will bring the new improved scenario to life in front of your very eyes. Does anybody have a therapy dog?
Our guest hosts include Andre Meadows, Markeia McCarty, Scott Mantz and yours truly, and we’ll be joined by talented improv actors Jake Bruce, Christine Huddle, Marc Shanahan, and Don Dino Spezzini. So, yes, it should be fun.
Please come visit the panel and if you see any of us at Comic Con, please stop us and say hello! It’s going to be a wild weekend!
Again, that’s …
Happy Endings
Saturday, 7/20/19, 8:00p.m. - 9:00p.m., Room: 28DE
For all of our San Diego Comic Con coverage, please click here!