Movie Love Interests Who Were Actually Garbage
Love is many-splendored thing -- that is unless the person you're falling for happens to be someone who is not worthy of your time. Here are 11 movie love interests who are kind of the worst.
Tom Hansen in '(500) Days of Summer' (2009)
Even Joseph Gordon-Levitt knows his character was not a good guy. "The '(500) Days of Summer' attitude of 'He wants you so bad' seems attractive to some women and men, especially younger ones. But I would encourage anyone who has a crush on my character to watch it again and examine how selfish he is," he once told Playboy.
Melanie Smooter in 'Sweet Home Alabama' (2002)
She didn't tell the guy she agreed to marry that she was already kind of married to someone else. And when she goes home to get a (secret) divorce, she's mean to everyone. Bye, Felicia.
Mike Chadway in 'The Ugly Truth' (2009)
Gerard Butler plays a chauvinistic pig who sees women as objects and inspires other men to do the same. His redeeming quality? Oh, sorry, we can't really find one.
Abby Richter in 'The Ugly Truth' (2009)
In the end, Abby and Mike deserve each other because they are both insufferable. Abby dated a guy for most of the movie pretending to be someone she isn't and that is just not helpful for either party.
Nate in 'The Devil Wears Prada' (2006)
Yes, Andy (Anne Hathaway) was working for someone she hated, but Nate could've shown a little bit more support. We get it, your expensive cheese is super important to you.
Julianne Potter in 'My Best Friend's Wedding' (1997)
Julia Robert's character in "My Best Friend's Wedding" is essentially like a 5-year-old girl who doesn't want to play with her dollhouse anymore until her mom says they're going to give it to another kid and then it's like "but I love that dollhouse, it's mine."
Chris Brander in 'Just Friends' (2005)
Consistently embarrassing a girl and making her feel awkward until she decides to love you is not a way to go about starting a relationship.
Jason in 'That Awkward Moment' (2014)
Jason is that guy you date who seems fun at the time, but later you realize he's just really hot and it was kind of blinding.
Sarah Marshall in 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' (2008)
Sarah starts off as the perfect girlfriend, thanks to flashbacks to happy times, but by the end of the movie we realize she's pretty much a wolf in sheep's clothing. A really, really pretty sheep.
John Beckwith in 'Wedding Crashers' (2005)
Even though John and Claire (Rachel McAdams) fall in love and are together by the end, that doesn't excuse him from trying to get with her the whole time, when she very much had a boyfriend. Even if that boyfriend did deserve all the eye drops in his drink.
Henry Roth in '50 First Dates' (2004)
While it seems romantic and everything in the movie, in real life, pursuing a girl with short-term memory loss is probably not a good idea. Especially if you end up making her live on a boat traveling through Alaska when she thinks she fell asleep in Hawaii! That's messed up.