The 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Poster Is 'a New Level of Bad,' So Fans 'Fixed' It
Underoos deserved a better poster than the one Marvel gave him, so "Spider-Man: Homecoming" fans stepped in to save the day -- by pointing out everything wrong with it. Internet heroes in action!
We're all excited to see Tom Holland's teen Peter Parker this July, and the "Homecoming" trailers have been fantastic. And then there's that new poster. Some fans loved it, but many others mocked it as bad fan art, shredding it harder than any supervillain.
when you remember that you're supposed to make the new spiderman poster and start it an hour before it's due
— chris (@garflyf) May 24, 2017
The actual legit Spiderman Homecoming poster looks like a ripoff Bali DVD cover
— Jess Wheeler (@wheelswordsmith) May 25, 2017
I just singlehandedly saved the spiderman poster
— jodds (@MYOWNlMAGE) May 24, 2017
Hey Steve, which is the Spiderman poster file you want sent to print, is it SpideyFinal or SpideyRoughLayoutDONOTSEND.psd?
— HappyToast ★ (@IamHappyToast) May 24, 2017
i fixed the Spiderman poster
— WLFGRL (@NotUnclever) May 25, 2017
Like... look how much more life the Logan movie poster has VS the Spiderman one.
— Andrew ★ Stew-Art (@Viruul) May 24, 2017
can somebody tell me why the Spiderman: Homecoming poster looks fanmade
— Dorothy Lydia (@DorothyLydia_) May 24, 2017
In light of the garbage new spiderman poster let's toss some appreciation to DC for their poster game
— Jared (@jaredsletterbox) May 24, 2017
why does the latest spiderman homecoming poster looks like the force awakens poster?
— alex (@poedamnrn) May 24, 2017
This is way too busy and why so much Iron Man on a Spiderman poster
— WonderWoman June 2nd (@BlckBolex) May 24, 2017
New official Spiderman movie poster... A concentrate of bad taste in only one picture :
— Tohad (@sylvainsarrailh) May 24, 2017
The latest spiderman poster aint that bad, I kinda did the same thing XD
— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) May 25, 2017
This is a Spiderman poster you would see in Deviantart but with that Devinartart logo at the middle.
— Cap☆ (@CaptainGalxy) May 24, 2017
Not a fan of photoshop movie posters & have been critical of the newer SW films posters but that Spiderman poster. That's a new level of bad
— Andy Peachey (@Andy_peachey) May 24, 2017
Could they just get Drew Struzan to do the Spiderman Homecoming poster? If you're gonna do floating heads, do it right.
— tenpoundpixel (@tenpoundpixel) May 24, 2017
New Spiderman poster is horrible.
— Josh (@fanartexhibit) May 24, 2017
Ok, ok. But it's just a poster. The movie will still be amazing. Right?
"Spider-Man: Homecoming" opens July 7.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming