Watch Tipsy Lin-Manuel Miranda Tell Hamilton's Story on 'Drunk History' Preview
"Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda knows the story of the Founding Father as well as anybody -- he wrote an entire musical about the guy, after all. But how well can he tell it when he's drunk?
We're about to find out on the NOv. 29 episode of Comedy Central's "Drunk History," which gets celebrities to drink alcohol and then recount major events in history. Their storytelling is then reenacted by actors, and the end result is pretty hilarious.
MIranda tells the story of Hamilton's famous duel with Aaron Burr, with Hamilton played by Alia Shawkat and Burr played by Aubrey Plaza. Dave Grohl and Tony Hale also pop up in the reenactment. Entertainment Weekly has the first clip from what should be a sidesplitting episode.
Who needs "Hamilton" tickets anyway? (We do. WE STILL DO.)
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