Lin-Manuel Miranda Announces, Yes, He Will be in the 'In the Heights' Movie
The latest addition to the film adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway hit "In the Heights" ... Lin-Manuel Miranda!
The show's creator, who's been sharing the latest casting news via Twitter, just tweeted today that he will in the movie after all.
He tweeted, "See you on set." and "One last bit of casting. [Rolls piragua cart on set...]"#InTheHeightsMovie
He's playing the bit part of Piragüero, whom EW describes as "the owner of a piragua (Puerto Rican shaved ice dessert) stand who Mister Softee is trying to shut down."
Miranda wrote and starred in the original musical as Usnavi, but in the film that role will be played by Anthony Ramos, the actor who originated the dual roles of John Laurens and Phillip Hamilton in Miranda's other Broadway hit, "Hamilton."
The movie, directed by Jon Chu of "Crazy Rich Asians," will arrive in theaters on June 26, 2020.