'Lethal Weapon' Season 3 Tweets Show Mixed Response to Clayne Crawford's Departure and Replacement
"Lethal Weapon" Season 3 is already making waves.
The premiere aired on Tuesday, Sept. 25, and it marked the departure of Clayne Crawford and the arrival of Sean William Scott. Given the circumstances that prompted the recasting, people were feeling a lot of different emotions. Fans knew that the star's exit was coming after Crawford was fired for bad behavior, but that didn't mean everyone was prepared for it.
***Spoilers ahead if you haven't yet seen the episode.***
Crawford didn't get a gentle farewell. Instead, his character, Martin Riggs, was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest. That didn't sit well with some fans, and others just didn't want him to leave the show at all, as they made clear on Twitter.
At the same time, there were also plenty of people who enjoyed the episode. Many liked what they saw from Scott as his new character, Wesley Cole, and indicated that they're going to stick with "Lethal Weapon."
Maybe they'll even stop calling Scott "Stifler" after his "American Pie" character and eventually come to think of him first and foremost as Cole.