Lena Headey: 'Game of Thrones' Season 8 Ends Filming in June
Now hit the chalkboard and solve the equation of when we'll get the first trailer.
The final season of "Game of Thrones" only has six episodes but it's taking forever to film. They started production in October and we knew they'd continue into the summer. There were rumors that they might go on through August, but that wasn't confirmed.
Actress Lena Headey (Queen Cersei Lannister) just got more specific during an interview with the Press Association (via the Independent):
"We're filming till the end of June and it's all very exciting and very large."
Still on the size note, she said the final season would be "bigger and better than ever."
Headey said all that at the premiere of her husband Dan Cadan's new film "Walk Like a Panther." There's really not much the stars can say, even though they are constantly asked, "What can you tell us about the final season of 'Game of Thrones'?" So that's why they have to stick with the go-to "big" and "exciting" comments.
The "end of June" bit is new, though, and gives a timeline of when the footage will be in for the 2019 premiere. Maisie Williams just talked about the show doing 12 weeks of night shoots, among the other major footage they've been putting together. The early seasons premiered in April, so we already had a trailer by now and were ready to watch the episodes.
It's hard to say when we'll get the first footage from Season 8, but hopefully something "official" will be shared in the next couple of months -- perhaps tied to the premiere of "Westworld" Season 2 on April 22?
[Via: Watchers on the Wall]
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