Kylie's Korner: What You Need to Know Before You See 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Kylie Erica Mar
This is how I watched the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'—and it's how you should too
Wednesday, at 12:01 a.m. hundreds of film critics around the nation--from outlets big and small--published their reviews of "The Force Awakens" en masse in hopes of being first.
Since Disney can't actually say "no movie reviews whatsoever," they kindly requested for critics to post their commentary with no spoilers. However, what some of these reviewers lack is the genuine desire to provide their readers with the same incredible experience that media professionals were allowed to have by screening the hotly anticipated film ahead of everyone else. What some reporters didn't realize is that by releasing plot points and details about the sequel, they were already taking the optimal experience away from moviegoers.
Though they may not seem like spoilers to you, as a reader, a lot of what they reveal are awesome scenes that won't trigger the same reaction if you already know they are going to happen!
I went in to the screening knowing the bare minimum--just the surface of the new cast of characters. The experience of seeing the sequel was so exciting and cool, and it genuinely made us laugh and smile out of pure joy. This was due to the fact that we DIDN'T have any expectations pertaining to the story.
There's a reason why Disney didn't allow us to screen the film before the interviews and why the entire cast remained so tight-lipped during the media blitz ahead of its debut on Dec. 18. They know how crucial it is to let us unwrap the Christmas present that is "Episode VII" on our own.
I'm a "Star Wars" fan to the point where I'm currently training for a "Star Wars"-themed half-marathon. In fact, during the screening I cried tears of happiness when "The Force Awakens" began and when it was over I sobbed in sadness.
I want everyone to have the experience I had--which was EPIC! It was fun and exciting to watch "The Force Awakens" with tons of anticipation and curiosity. It's actually really fun to debate about it with friends and put your bets on who you think the characters are before the film starts and find out if you're right.
Just please, whatever you do, refrain from reading movie reviews until after you see the film no matter how anxious you are! The only thing I will reveal about the movie is that I cannot wait to see it again!
May the force be with you this weekend at the theaters!
This is my anti-movie review for the highest anticipated film of the century. What are your thoughts? Comment below or find me on Twitter and Instagram @KylieEricaMar!
Need your "Star Wars" fix until you can get your butt in that movie seat? Watch me as I get the cast to sing the original theme song below:
For more "Star Wars" coverage, watch our interviews with the cast!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens