Justin Bieber Gets Egged in Promo for Comedy Central Roast (VIDEO)
Justin Bieber is getting a taste of his own medicine in the first promo for his upcoming roast on Comedy Central.
The clip features Bieber primping in front of the camera, then raising his arms as an onslaught of eggs are launched at him. It's a callback to the singer's arrest for egging his neighbor's home back in 2014, and as Comedy Central noted on its Facebook page, was a chance for Bieber to "learn how poor, defenseless houses feel."
We can only imagine that whatever staffer was tasked with egging the Biebs had a grand old time. Check out the clip below, and get pumped for the special.
Post by Comedy Central.
"The Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber," hosted by Kevin Hart, premieres on March 30.
Photo credit: Comedy Central