Julia Roberts Paid $3 Million for Four Days of Work on 'Mother's Day': Report
At least someone had a happy "Mother's Day." Critics and audiences did not embrace the star-studded rom-com, which has a depressing 8 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes and opened to fourth place at the box office with $8.3 million. However, Variety reports that Julia Roberts walked away with a $3 million paycheck for her supporting role, which reportedly took four days to shoot.
You get that money, pretty woman!
If true, that breaks down to $750,000 a day, which sounds like Monopoly money from here and shows Roberts is still able to command major cash after a long career in showbiz. Variety added that it's nowhere near the record $20 million she got at the peak of her career in 2000 for "Erin Brockovich," but that comparison isn't quite fair. She had the lead role in that film, not a supporting job that only took four days. Not just anyone could've done Erin Brockovich justice, and Roberts earned a Best Actress Oscar for her work.
It's not clear why Variety just got a paycheck report about Roberts, as opposed to the other A-list "Mother's Day" cast members. It would be interesting to get pay reports about roles of comparable size from, say, Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, Ben Stiller, George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Halle Berry, etc. If we're going to go there, let's go there.
Roberts had a lot of backup in making "Mother's Day," appearing on the poster along with Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, and Jason Sudeikis, in a film by "Pretty Woman" director Garry Marshall (who also made "Valentine's Day," co-starring Roberts, plus "New Year's Eve," and maybe these other days of the year, eventually.)
Meanwhile, the real money made this weekend was from an unknown child star, some CGI animals, and an adorable real-life kitten; they all outdrew these A-listers. Do you think more fans will see "Mother's Day" over the actual Mother's Day weekend, which is coming up, or will they be too busy seeing "Captain America: Civil War"? Moms love Cap and Tony too, you know.
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