'Judge Judy' Fans Confused After Spotting Amy Schumer in the Audience
Like many of us regular humans, "Judge Judy." The difference? She does it in person.
Fans watching the courtroom show from home recently noticed the comedian's familiar face in the audience. Naturally, that meant they had to share the news in the one place that would appreciate it the most: Twitter. The most common reaction seemed to be confusion; so many people felt compelled to ask why Amy Schumer was on "Judge Judy."
See for yourself.
Why is @amyschumer on judge judy during a case about missing yu gi oh cards pic.twitter.com/lrJMWIWn1V
— Yasmin (@_itsyasmin_) August 17, 2017
Bitch why is Amy Schumer in the Judge Judy audience ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/2DnFbB8FT1
— KKendall (@_youngloco) August 17, 2017
Is dat amy schumer in the bg and if it is, why is she in judge judy's audience/crowd? pic.twitter.com/dBrRIwvt6b
— ⭐BubblyJjong⭐ (@BubblyKjh) August 17, 2017
Umm why is @amyschumer on @JudgeJudy ? pic.twitter.com/7Si5Zrv6l4
— JESSE (@navyblueprince) August 15, 2017
wtf you doing on judge judy @amyschumerpic.twitter.com/UVjQRMi7xK
— yerrrr squad records (@SpaceJamJordan) August 17, 2017
1. Why is @JudgeJudy taking cases about @yugioh
2. What you doing @amyschumer; why you at Judge Judy pic.twitter.com/90LJd9BTH0— DOAT Podcast (@DorkOfAllTrades) August 17, 2017
Still other people were just as surprised, with many finding it hilarious to see Schumer sitting among the audience.
Hey, isn't that Amy Schumer in the courtroom audience on Judge Judy? Yeah, that's definitely @amyschumer. Did you get lunch with the judge?
— Ian King (@ianking51) August 17, 2017
So there I was, minding my own business and watching Judge Judy (as one does),... @amyschumerpic.twitter.com/E5MiDzYA5w
— Whorechata (@AllUpInMyDMs) August 17, 2017
When u spot @amyschumer in Judge Judy's crowd ???? pic.twitter.com/7FkBGWEamg
— Jessica Vill (@Jbunnyxoxo) August 17, 2017
Am I seeing @amyschumer on Judge Judy right now? Aka how do I get to bare witness to @JudgeJudy ?! pic.twitter.com/bXfvfyEgLG
— Enna Tahir-Mouaikel (@ennatahir) August 17, 2017
Holy Shat! I think @amyschumer was on Judge Judy. ???? pic.twitter.com/bM0fE91qUh
— Susan (@brookselaine70) August 17, 2017
.@amyschumer I accuse you of stealing — focus! haha So funny to see Amy on @JudgeJudy today: https://t.co/ea8SrJQtAmpic.twitter.com/tJCCSNYciD
— Boy Culture Blog (@mattrett) August 17, 2017
Oh I didn't know Amy Schumer was on Judge Judy now @amyschumerpic.twitter.com/3XRLiqTm0R
— Bayli Case (@BayliCase) August 17, 2017
Because when you're Amy Schumer you just pop into a Judge Judy taping. ????????????
— Chrisstiana (@Chrisstiana1) August 17, 2017
When @amyschumer casually attends a taping of Judge Judy... pic.twitter.com/vHmG896yaT
— Betsy Barta (@BetsyBarta) August 17, 2017
Schumer, as it happens, is a big fan of the show. After the hullabaloo Thursday, she posted a photo on Instagram of herself at the taping and clarified that she and her sister love the TV judge.
"Hell yeah! You know I was in the audience on #judgejudy," she wrote. "My sister and I sat in on the cases for the day because we love her!!!!!"
The cases Schumer and her sister watched were shot a few months ago. On May 9, Schumer posted an video on Instagram showing her in Judge Judy's seat, along with a couple more images of her having fun in the courtroom. She included the hashtag "#dreams," indicating what a fun experience it was for her.
So, there you have it: Amy Schumer loves "Judge Judy" at least as much as -- if not more than -- the rest of us.