Joaquin Phoenix Jokes Flood the Internet as East Coast Preps for Hurricane
The second "Joaquin" was revealed as the name of the hurricane that may or may not hit the East Coast this weekend, you knew what the Internet had to do: It had to blame actor Joaquin Phoenix and make memes about his destructive path. There was no other choice.
Perhaps the best reaction is this map using various Joaquin roles to demonstrate the potential growth of the storm from normal and tame in the south to wild and out of control further up the coast:
Here's another good one, referencing Joaquin's brief, and odd, exit from acting:
Others stuck to just tweeting clever things like this:
So what you're telling me is that Joaquin Phoenix is so committed to his new role as a storm that he's actually become a hurricane?
— Andrew White (@whitey_white) October 2, 2015
So apparently Hurricane Joaquin Phoenix is coming & it's predicted to be "weirdly off-putting, pretentious, and yet undeniably compelling"
— KristenLippertMartin (@KLipMart) September 30, 2015
tbh i am sick of joaquin phoenix destroying our community like this
— eclipse survivor™ (@warmyellowlight) October 1, 2015
Is Hurricane Joaquin gonna be Joaquin Phoenix's new nickname?
— Bryan CrissCrosstomo (@crisostomo922) October 2, 2015
Joaquin Phoenix probably had to disable his Google alerts this week...
— Sara Cravatts (@saracravatts) October 2, 2015
Isn't it nice that we can all come together in moments like this? And isn't it fitting that no one can really predict what either Joaquin will do next? Here's hoping the Internet can bond over the next natural disaster as well.
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