Jimmy Kimmel Blames Matt Damon for Oscars Race Problem, Offers Solution
Dammit, Matt Damon. You always need saving, and now you're ruining the 2016 Oscars!
"Jimmy Kimmel Live." After noting that even the usually chill Snoop Dogg was upset about the all-white acting nominees, Jimmy looked for someone to blame, and a solution to make everyone happy.
"Whose fault really is this? Is this the Academy's fault for not recognizing minority actors? Is it Hollywood's fault for not giving them enough roles to warrant more and more consideration? Or is it Matt Damon's fault, which I kind of think..."
The audience cheered and one guy called out "Matt Damon!" to drown out Jimmy's words. So the tribe has spoken -- this is the fault of the one guy Ben Affleck has not been unfaithful to.
What's the solution? Cue "Stewart Bloom," public relations director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who said they are "modifying a lot of the Oscar-nominated films to be more inclusive."
What does that mean? Bloom showed off a series of new posters. "The Big Short" is now "The Big Shawty." "Room" is now "Crib," starring Queen Latifah and Kevin Hart. "Kevin Hart is so good as this 5-year-old kid. I think he can win this." "The Revenant" is now "The Revenant Al Sharpton." "The Martian" is now "The Martin." And "Steve Jobs" is now "Steve Harvey." "In the new version, Steve accidentally announces the iPhone 5 instead of the iPhone 6, then he has to go back and apologize."
Jimmy said it just shows that when you work on a problem, you can come up with a solution. Not *quite* sure this is really a solution to anything, but we might actually watch that "Steve Harvey" movie.
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