Jennifer Aniston Visits 'SNL' to Slam Rachel From 'Friends' Impression
The real Rachel from "Friends" just called out the fake Rachel from "Friends" of "Saturday Night Live," and the result was ... well, uh, you know, well, it's, it's, it's, uh, yeah, good.
Vanessa Bayer revived her "Rachel From 'Friends'" impression on Weekend Update for a segment on '90s nostalgia, and she was visited by "Friends" alum Jennifer Aniston, who also co-stars with Bayer in the upcoming movie "Christmas Office Party." Aniston basically confronted Bayer on being her stalker, and argued that the SNL-er's Rachel impression isn't exactly "a great bit."
Jennifer Aniston: "Listen, honey, I know that you love 'Friends.' And we had such a great time making our movie together, but you've got to really try to stop texting me every day."
Vanessa Bayer: "I know. I just texted you 'cause I thought we could hang. 'Cause I think you're like the best."
Aniston: "That's so sweet, honey, and you are too. But 'Friends' was like 5 million and 5 years ago. So I think we've just got to move on."
Bayer: "Well, I don't know. I just thought, since I do this great bit as Rachel, so..."
Aniston: "Is it a great bit, though? It kind of just sounds like all you're doing is, like, 'Oh, what?! Oh, me? Oh, wow. No!'"
Their dueling Rachel impressions include Aniston shouting in exasperation, "No, I don't do that!" and both Rachels sighing "Oh, Ross."
Watch the Rachel reunion:Aniston was in another sketch that night, with the show's actual host Emma Stone, plus Sasheer Zamata, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon stealing every scene (again) as Old Hollywood star Debette Goldry:Want more stuff like this? Like us on Facebook.