Jason Momoa Is Avoiding 'Justice League' Criticism: 'I Don't Think That's Useful'
People can say what they will of "Justice League," but Jason Momoa isn't keeping tabs.
The actor has opened up about critics' negative response to the film, and it sounds like he isn't interested. Rather than dwelling on the film's lukewarm reception, he is largely avoiding it.
"I try to stay the f— away from what people say," he told EW, revealing that some of his friends told him the film hasn't been "doing well." The news was disappointing to him, but he has refrained from obsessing over the disappointing reviews that have emerged.
"I don't want to look up the bad and the negativity," he said. "I don't think that's useful; it doesn't help."
He defended the final film, including the decision to remove some of the backstory of his own character, Aquaman. While he acknowledged that "a lot of things got cut," he pointed out that the movie had to introduce three new characters -- Aquaman, The Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher).
"There was a lot that ... we just couldn't get in," he said.
Momoa assured fans that we'll get plenty more of Aquaman in his standalone movie. The film will continue the DCEU's growth and bring more of its superhero adventures to screen.
For his part, Momoa loves "Justice League" -- so much so that he plans to take his kids to see it again in a theater with regular moviegoers.
"Justice League" is in theaters now.
[via: EW]