Jason Momoa Exits 'The Crow' Remake During Pre-Production: 'I’m Ready When It's Right'
So ... cross off that Oct. 11, 2019 release date?
"The Crow" remake is cursed. It just is. No one should be surprised by the recurring changes and delays.
This time, "Aquaman" star and "Game of Thrones" alum Jason Momoa was supposed to star in the remake of the 1994 Brandon Lee film, with Corin Hardy ("The Nun") as director.
Now Deadline reports that both Momoa and Hardy have walked away, as of this morning. Why? Deadline was told it was tied to "creative and financial differences" with the rights-holder and financier.
Production was supposed to start within the next five weeks in Budapest. Pre-production was in full swing.
Shortly after Deadline's report, Jason Momoa announced his exit on Instagram, hinting to trouble behind-the-scenes, but also offering hope that he will get to play Eric someday:
A few months ago, Sony had announced that it picked up the film for release in theaters on October 11, 2019. But Deadline said Samuel Hadida of Davis Films was unable to close a deal with Sony, leaving Sony in exit mode, and leading to the exit of the star and director.
Deadline has more details, but that's where we are now.
We've been posting about "The Crow" remake plans since at least 2008. Including with Mark Wahlberg in 2010. And then with Bradley Cooper in 2011. And then with Luke Evans in 2013.
Brandon Lee, son of icon Bruce Lee, died on March 31, 1993 after an on-set accident while filming "The Crow." He was 28. The film was released posthumously. "The Crow" film series continued with "The Crow: City of Angels" in 1996, "The Crow: Salvation" in 2000, and "The Crow: Wicked Prayer" in 2005.
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