Now You Have No Excuse to Miss 'It Follows'
The creepiest kid on the block right now is "It Follows," the low-budget, high-quality horror movie being distributed by Radius-TWC. The critically acclaimed movie stars Maika Monroe as a young woman who discovers she's been given a sort of supernatural STD that involves being slowly but surely followed around by a shambling horror in various guises. If she doesn't pass it on to a future paramour, the "it" in "It Follows" will catch her and kill her.
"It Follows" opened in four theaters on March 13 and was scheduled to hit VOD on March 27. Instead, the movie proved its mettle at the box office, and Radius-TWC expanded it to 32 theaters during its second weekend of release. Then it jumped to 1,215 theaters the weekend after that, and now it's in 1,655 theaters. Radius-TWC's plans to send it to VOD at the end of March have been put on hold.
Writer/director David Robert Mitchell has been praised for the interesting teen characters and effective atmosphere of lingering dread, as well as a look and sound heavily influenced by movies like "Halloween" and "Nightmare on Elm Street."
[Via Variety]