Hugh Jackman Wishes He Could Have Played Wolverine in an 'Avengers' Movie
One of the biggest -- and really, only -- disappointments for Marvel fans in this new MCU age has been that the rights to the comic powerhouse's legendary heroes have been split among several different studios, meaning certain characters who teamed up on the page can never do so on the big screen. While Disney/Marvel and Sony worked out their differences on that issue to collaborate on a new series of Spider-Man movies, it seems that studio Fox (home to the X-Men and Fantastic Four) never will. And that's a shame, because according to Hugh Jackman, that was the only real possibility he saw of keeping himself playing Wolverine past his upcoming swan song in "Logan."
In an interview with Screen Rant, Jackman was asked about his ideal Marvel movie scenario, if only those pesky rights issues were no longer a problem. Would he want to appear as Wolverine in an "Avengers" flick?
"If that was on the table when I made my decision, it certainly would have made me pause," Jackman told the site. "That's for sure. Because I always love the idea of him within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man, but there's a lot of smarter people with MBAs who can't figure that out [laughter]. You never know."
While that last sentence from the actor does leave the door open ever-so-slightly for a potential Wolverine return, it seems highly unlikely -- in this lifetime, anyway -- that either Fox or Marvel will budge on their stronghold on these characters. And that's probably for the best. After all, Jackman has already shaved off his Wolverine beard; it would be a pain to have to regrow that sucker.
[via: Screen Rant]