Here's What 'The Predator' Changed After Shane Black's Reshoots
The difference between "The Predator" before and after reshoots is literally night and day.
Director Shane Black's sci-fi film was originally going to come out in February, before moving to August, and now opening in theaters September 14.
A few months ago, star Keegan-Michael Key told CinemaBlend they had just finished reshoots, "and just about three-quarters of the third act was rewritten."
Collider talked to Shane Black during Comic-Con, when the filmmakers were just finalizing the VFX before the release. Collider asked about the reshoots -- aka "additional photography" -- wondering what Black learned from the test screenings, and what did he go back to do? Here's Black's explanation:
"Part of it was that we were making the film and we were trying to jam a lot into a five-pound bag. Right? So we had a big appetite, and one of the things about that was, well, if you want to do all of this stuff with this much money, you probably need to shoot during the day because during the night would be prohibitive.
And then to our chagrin -- and it's on me -- when I saw the footage during the day, this is the climax of the movie, [The Predator] doesn't look right. He doesn't look scary in the daytime. And so, enough people agreed. And then we decided to streamline the plot so we could afford to go back up and really just concentrate on the scarier elements and doing it at night.
So literally, as they've said, the difference is night and day. We took everything out of day and put it into darkness."
Sounds like a lot of time and money, but hopefully the end result was worth it. "The Predator" opens in theaters September 14.
Watch Shane Black's full interview for more details on how he made the film, his appreciation of "The Nice Guys" fans, and revelation that he has Tourette syndrome:
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