Help Leonardo DiCaprio Get an Oscar in Online Game
Always the bridesmaid, never the Oscar winner. But Leonardo DiCaprio has a very good chance this year to take home that coveted Academy Award for "The Revenant" -- and in a new online game, fans can help him out.
The arcade-style game, called "Leo's Red Carpet Rampage," you play Leo as he sprints down the red carpet toward his floating Oscar. Along the way, he has to avoid stuff like paparazzi and Lady Gaga, outrace competitors like Michael Fassbender and Matt Damon (in costumes), and win special combos from other awards shows, like the Golden Globes. There are also bonus games, based on his previous movies, like crawling into a car high on quaaludes, like in "The Wolf of Wall Street."
The gamed was produced by The Line Animation, and is a lot of fun and pretty funny, too (there's a mini-challenge where you have to find the black nominee). Check it out and see if you can help Leo get that Oscar!
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