HBO Hackers Threaten to Leak 'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Finale Episode 7
So far, the only leaked episodes of "Game of Thrones" Season 7 have come from HBO partners themselves. Hackers have shared other data, and pieces of GoT scripts, but never full episodes. Yet.
HBO's hackers recently emailed Mashable with details on their latest exploits, vowing to leak the Season 7 finale, Episode 7, "as soon as possible."
According to Mashable, the data dump the hackers -- "Mr. Smith group" -- shared with them included login credentials for every HBO social media account. The hackers claimed to "have access to many HBO Platforms already" and posted on several HBO Giphy accounts, writing things like "HB-OLD is Dying...." before the pages were deleted.
But it's this threat, emailed from the group to Mashable, that's getting the most attention:
"Be ready for GOT S& E6 &E7 as soon as possible."
"As soon as possible" may mean they don't have it yet and may never have it, they just want to hold the threat over HBO's head.
The email was sent before Episode 6 aired on August 20, but Episode 6 was already leaked by HBO Europe accounts several days before that anyway. So a threat to leak Episode 6 isn't exactly scary to anyone. But Episode 7... that's the season finale. If they had it to leak, they probably would've done it by now, since HBO doesn't seem interested in playing the hackers' "game" and giving them (anymore) money.
Even if the Season 7 finale somehow finds its way onto the web -- from hackers or, more likely considering the recent pattern, an HBO contractor -- it shouldn't affect the ratings in a negative way. And even if hackers do spoil what happens in the finale ... well, guess what? Someone on the inside already did that months ago when they leaked a full-season breakdown on Reddit. HBO's own allies have been leading the leak game all year, at least when it comes to "Game of Thrones" Season 7 content, which is all that most fans care about anyway.
The highly anticipated "Game of Thrones" Season 7 finale airs Sunday, Aug. 27 at 9 p.m. on HBO.
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