Golden Globes 2016: 10 Things to Watch for at This Year's Ceremony
"They don't go safe. They go bold. Sometimes that's disastrous, and sometimes it's absolutely wonderful."
That's Helen Mirren, praising the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for hiring cheeky Ricky Gervais again to host the 73rd Golden Globe Awards this Sunday.
But she could just as easily be talking about the Globes ceremony itself. The few dozen foreign entertainment correspondents who comprise the HFPA often make offbeat, even bizarre choices, and they put on a show where free-flowing champagne sometimes makes stars rowdy.
Then again, their TV prizes are often the first to recognize worthy newcomers, their movie prizes can sometimes be a stepping stone to the Oscars, and their emcee should keep the show from becoming stuffy and predictable. Though there are a few things we can predict you'll see during the Golden Globes on Jan.10:
1.Venom From Ricky Gervais
Hey, remember when Gervais first hosted, a few years back, and Hollywood bigwigs were so shocked by his ego-puncturing treatment of them that the HFPA only invited him back to host twice more? Yep, he's back this year for a fourth go-round, after the intervening Tina Fey/Amy Poehler years apparently proved too tasteful. Of this year's guests and honorees, Gervais has boasted, "I might make some of them cry."
2.Love for Denzel
He's already won two Golden Globes and earned seven nominations over the course of his career, but this time, he's guaranteed a win: The lifetime achievement prize, which the HFPA calls the Cecil B. DeMille award.
Lest we forget, for all his badassery on screen, Washington is also a trained Shakespearean thespian. If the ceremony turns out to be short on dignity and class, Washington's segment should make up for that.
3.Jamie Foxx's Daughter
Miss Golden Globe, the gowned gal who helps hand out the trophies and escort the winners offstage, is one of the few jobs in Hollywood that admits to having nepotism as a prerequisite.
It's always the daughter (well, sometimes, the son) of an established star. This year, it's Corinne Foxx, who'll be adorning the same stage where her father Jamie was nominated for three Globes in the same year back in 2005. Sure, Miss Globe is often a starlet you haven't heard of yet (Foxx is a model and is still in college), but they do sometimes go on to greater fame, as Melanie Griffith, Laura Dern, and Griffith's daughter Dakota Johnson have. So if Corinne Foxx becomes a star, you saw her here first.4.Mel Gibson
We don't see a whole lot of the original Mad Max in public anymore, much less at the Golden Globes, where Gervais skewered him in a memorable joke a few years ago. But he's apparently forgiven the HFPA, since he's scheduled to appear as a presenter.
5. Big Movie Stars
Several of last year's winners -- including Amy Adams and Michael Keaton -- will return to crown their successors. Other movie stars who'll open envelopes include Kurt Russell, Helen Mirren, and Channing Tatum.
6.Small-Screen Celebs
TV stars aren't chopped liver. There'll be plenty of them presenting as well, including your favorites from "Empire" and "Blindspot's" Jaimie Alexander.
7.Johnny Depp
Cap'n Jack hasn't been announced as a presenter, but the HFPA always seems to find a way to raise the star-power of its event by luring him onto the red carpet. A few years ago, they had to shoehorn his thriller "The Tourist" into the comedy category. This year, despite failing to nominate him for "Black Mass," they've named his wife Amber Heard as a presenter. So Depp has to show up, doesn't he?
8.A Coronation for Brie Larson
For the most part, the movie races this year are wide open and hard to predict. But, arguably, Larson is the one to beat for Best Dramatic Actress for her role as the captive mom in "Room." Meanwhile, Globe favorite Leonardo DiCaprio shouldn't have much trouble walking off with the Dramatic Actor award for "The Revenant." And the Globes' odd decision to declare "The Martian" a comedy ought to result in wins for Matt Damon and director Ridley Scott.
9.New TV Blood
The calendar allows the HFPA to be the first out of the gate in honoring new shows and new stars that won't be eligible for Emmys for another seven or eight months. Globe voters tend to make the most of this advantage, as they did last year by helping put Amazon's "Transparent" on the map. That comedy is up for prizes again this year, but another classy Amazon newbie, "Mozart in the Jungle," could grab them instead. Similarly, watch for Globe love for USA's drama "Mr. Robot" and its star, Rami Malek.
10.Alcohol. Lots of it.
The Globes are famous (Infamous?) for letting the stars drink during the show, in the hope of generating some spontaneous and outrageous moments. Guests will be drinking the Moët Ruby Red, this year's official Globe cocktail, which is made of champagne, raspberries, lemon peel, and a sprig of tarragon. Even one of the desserts, a chocolate mousse atop a flourless cake, has Grand Marnier liqueur in it. There's also beef filets, trout, winter vegetables, and Fiji water on the menu, not just spiked drinks and desserts, but still... open bar, y'all. Watch out.