That 'Game of Thrones' Theory About The Night King Is Just Mind-Blowing
No joke, HBO's upcoming "Game of Thrones" spinoffs should be written by the fans who come up with these theories. They are just out-of-the-box brain-busters. Right on the line of brilliance and madness, which is perfect for this series.
You've probably read dozens of fan theories by now, and maybe even already know this one attempting to connect The Night King and Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright). It sounds mad at first, but there are actually decent arguments for how Bran could be The Night King himself. (There's no explanation for how he developed those javelin skills, though.)
Here's the theory, and some reactions in support and against:
For anyone who doesn't understand the theory of why Bran might the the Night King, here you go.
— Maison2500 (@maisonvendetta) August 17, 2017
Parallels between Bran Stark and the Night Kings attire.
— Thrones Facts (@thronesfacts) August 21, 2017
Is #Branstark the #NightKing? anyone else see the resemblance?
— Abhirup Dasgupta (@adgsocial) August 2, 2017
My favorite superhero power is Bran Stark's ability to see the past, present, and future, without ever being the slightest bit helpful.
— Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) August 21, 2017
I think the fact that Bran Stark might actually be the Night King is the most mind-blowing Game of Thrones thing ever.
— Hector. (@HexHeizzy) August 22, 2017
My theory: because Night King put mark on Bran and Bran passed thru wall - that nullifies magic that keeps walkers north of wall.
— JT in NC (@JimmyThomasNC) August 21, 2017
Bran was touched by the Night King. What if this allows him to warg into Viserion?!
— onyx (@_allhail_) August 21, 2017
So there is convincing theory saying the night king might be bran stark. Apparently, he traveled back in time
— ئەژی (@Azhee_LB) August 19, 2017
Bran Stark might be many things, but NOT the Night King (please Benioff and Weiss NO) #GameOfThrones
— Joshua B. Hoe (@OnPirateSat) August 22, 2017
Bran Stark is crucial for the great war to come. Armies will fight the dead but bran stark will do something incredible that no one can.
— The North Remembers (@_StarksOfWinter) August 14, 2017
It probably won't happen, not because it couldn't be explained -- so much on this show will never be explained, we're just meant to accept it -- but because there are only seven episodes left in total and there may not be time to drop this sort of bomb. But still. Maybe?
The GoT Season 7 finale airs this Sunday, Aug. 27 at 9 p.m. on HBO. We know Bran will have some kind of role, since he's featured in HBO's promo photos. We're also expecting him to help us out with more visuals on the episode's title couple.
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