'Game of Thrones' Season 6: Stars Share Theories on Arya, Sansa, Theon
Warning: "Game of Thrones" spoilers referenced ahead from "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.
This is arguably the most exciting but nerve-racking time for "Game of Thrones" fans because so much is unknown about Season 6. Season 5 ended last weekend with the biggest audience yet, and 2015's 10 episodes featured the most changes from the source material, author George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" books. Most (but not all) of the material from the fifth book, "A Dance with Dragons," was used up in Season 5, with a few teases thrown in from the yet-to-be-published sixth book, "The Winds of Winter."
One storyline that jumped ahead a bit was Arya Stark's in Braavos. In a sample chapter from "Winds of Winter" called "Mercy," Arya kills Raff the Sweetling in a scene somewhat similar to how she took down Meryn Trant in the Season 5 finale. But Season 5 ended with Arya rendered blind. In "A Dance with Dragons," Arya was made temporarily blind as part of her training, but she was given her sight back before getting her first big assignment. So now what?
Maisie Williams talked to Entertainment Weekly about the newly blind Arya:
I don't want to wear these crazy contacts for the rest of my time on Thrones! I don't know how ... that will impede her life. She's going to become very vulnerable thanks to that. It's exciting and scary. So I'm worried about next year."
We're not used to a truly vulnerable Arya, so it'll be interesting to see how she copes.
EW noted that Season 6 production doesn't even start until July, so no one really knows what's going to happen to their characters. (Kit Harington previously said Jon Snow was dead and he wasn't coming back next season, but we don't believe his story is really over. Could he sit out Season 6, though, and only be revived in Season 7?)
Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) talked to Entertainment Weekly about her character's Season 5 storyline, which ended with Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) saving Sansa and the two looking poised to escape Winterfell:
I don't want to know [what happens, from the showrunners], but Alfie and I have been talking about it a lot. We reckon Theon and Sansa will get away, but then Sansa will sell Theon out and be like, 'Screw you,' and go out on her own. Or Ramsay will come and chase them down. But I don't think the two of them will stay together as buddies, though that would be kind of cool."
(What would really be cool is if Sansa were given a storyline where she saves herself and leads the charge to avenge her family.)
Those stories are very different from the page too. In the book, Sansa and Petyr Baelish are still in the Eyrie, with Littlefinger planning to wed her to someone not named Ramsay, and Theon escaped Winterfell with Jeyne Poole (who was posing as Arya) and they were taken to Stannis Baratheon's camp. So it's anyone's guess what's ahead. Will Theon and Sansa make it to The Wall to connect with ... well, not Jon Snow anymore, unless Melisandre revives him. Maybe Sansa will find Bran and Rickon; Bran should still be north of the Wall and Rickon and Osha have to be somewhere. We haven't seen them in ages, but the timing seems right to fix that.
What are you looking forward to seeing in Season 6?
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