'Game of Thrones' Season 6, Episode 5 Hyped as an 'All-Timer'
UPDATE: Um. Sniff. Yeah. It was definitely worthy of the hype. And an entire box of tissues. And a year's worth of therapy. Here's our full recap.
Original post:
Better sprinkle yourself with Hodor hype dust and let it carry you across the next few days 'cause "Game of Thrones" Season 6, Episode 5 has been teased as an "all-timer." Let's go break down "The Door"!
As of this Sunday we will already be halfway done with the 2016 season. That's unfair. But at least the gods are reportedly smiling on us with an especially strong hour. We first came across the tease on Reddit, where hype lives, dies, and is revived by the hour. Someone there was listening to the latest podcast from HBO's Bill Simmons. At the start of his show, Simmons did some housekeeping, mentioning the new start time for "After the Thrones": 1 a.m. ET, right after the West Coast airing of "Game of Thrones."
After that, he teased, "Sources say that apparently this week of 'Game of Thrones' is an 'all-timer.'" His podcast buddy said last week's episode was pretty strong, so it sets up high expectations to call this one of of the all-time greats.It could just be hype overload, and "The Door" isn't any better or worse than the first four episodes. But we're feeling it now.
"The Door" was written by showrunners David Benioff & D. B. Weiss and directed by Jack Bender. Here's the synopsis: "Tyrion seeks a strange ally. Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) learns a great deal. Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) goes on a mission. Arya (Maisie Williams) is given a chance to prove herself."Here's the preview, which also shows pieces of The Kingsmoot, Sansa confronting Littlefinger, new priestess Kinvara meeting Varys and Tyrion, Jorah revealing (to Dany?) his advancing greyscale, and Bran seeing Night's King.We see Meera shaking Bran, trying to get him to come out of his vision. The Three-Eyed Raven warned him about staying away too long. There's a theory about EVERYTHING Hodor, that young Wylis became Hodor because he too can warg and went too far/something happened. There's thought that maybe he chose to warg into a horse (maybe to be closer to Lyanna Stark) and the horse was killed when Hodor was inside which could explain his damaged mind. Will we see more of Hodor's past this week, since the photo at top shows Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven returning to Winterfell? Or is that not part of what makes this an "all timer"?Will Kinvara, the new red priestess, talk up Daenerys Targaryen as Azor Ahai, as a counterpoint to Melisandre thinking it's Jon Snow? And what about Tyrion Lannister's past? Is he ...? Or that other Meera theory. Is she...? When will we be able to start killing some theories and letting new ones be born?
Check out a more Episode 5 photos, and prepare to be either thrilled or disappointed this Sunday, May 22.
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