Good News: 'Game of Thrones' to Feature Non-Traumatizing Sex This Week
As we wait to see what fresh torture "Game of Thrones" has in store for Sansa Stark -- Greyscale? Burning by Melisandre? Walder Frey's new sex slave? -- Entertainment Weekly is here with some rare positive scoop. This Sunday, May 24 marks Season 5, Episode 7, "The Gift," and one of the gifts is apparently a non-violent sexual act. Imagine!
Here's EW's Spoiler Room conversation with a fan:
I'd like some good news for Game of Thrones for once. — Sean
Well, there is a sex scene in this week's episode that won't make you want to smash your TV. And if you love Cersei, we'll see plenty more of her this week as Olenna Tyrell tries to free her imprisoned family members.
Not smashing our TVs is a good start. We'll take it. Cersei Lannister may be the new beneficiary of bad news, but she can wait her turn after Barristan Selmy, Grey Worm, Jorah Mormont, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Margaery and Loras Tyrell, and also Daenerys Targaryen, who is not the happiest of fiancées, even if that Hizdahr union was her idea. (We fear weddings on this show, so ... how will hers go?)
Here's HBO's synopsis for "The Gift":
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis (Stephen Dillane) remains stubborn. Jaime attempts to reconnect with family.
Good luck to all of them -- and to all viewers. It would be nice to be able to sleep after an episode this season.
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