'Game of Thrones' Introduced a New Bromance, and Twitter Approves (Mostly)
The return of a long-absent "Game of Thrones" character finally came on Sunday, and with it, the start of a beautiful friendship -- or so we hope.
Spoilers ahead! Read on only if you've watched the most recent episode.
Season 7, Episode 5, "Eastwatch," gave us the return of Gendry (Joe Dempsie), the illegitimate son of Robert Baratheon. That, in itself, was an exciting development, but it got even better from there. The blacksmith soon met another man who knows what it's like to be a bastard -- Jon Snow (Kit Harington) -- and the two appeared to form an instant friendship.
While the men settled into easy camaraderie, bonding over their families' shared history, fans were going wild. Many of us immediately threw our support behind the Jon-Gendry friendship, and there are numerous tweets to prove it.
This GIF explains how Gendry and Jon Snow became friends. #GameOfThronespic.twitter.com/60kwn2PmWI
— Joe Negan (@mynameisNegan) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry going off to battle like: #DemThrones#GameofThronespic.twitter.com/4wFGEO0dV7
— Ali Toumekian (@atoumeks) August 14, 2017
Find Someone who looks at you like How Jon Snow looks at Gendry Baratheon pic.twitter.com/hzQRIdOdZp
— Thomas. (@tommybIakes) August 14, 2017
Gendry and Jon Snow: #ThronesYall#GameOfThronespic.twitter.com/qB2WnxvN9h
— Long Ho (@Long_Ho) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry. A Bromance I never realized I needed. #gameofthrones
— Alabama Bromo (@AlabamaBromo) August 14, 2017
"I grew up on stories about them."
"They fought together and won."
Gendry Baratheon & Jon Snow.
This really gave me chills.#GameofThronespic.twitter.com/PlStSrMthL— ム ~ Targaryen. (@SindarMomoa) August 14, 2017
awwwww Jon and Gendry giving me shades of Ned and Robert#GameOfThrones#GoTS7#ThronesYallpic.twitter.com/EyktkNNEn5
— Haze Moments (@EightEighthsSan) August 14, 2017
The Gendry / Jon Snow buddy comedy is the television event we didn't know we needed. #GameOfThrones
— Matt Grossman (@MGrossman92) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry as besties? hell yeah!
— RedTeamReview (@RedTeamReview) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry's friendship yess #GameOfThronespic.twitter.com/A0eRucYeGs
— Thi ????. (@jonerysstydia) August 14, 2017
— Jennifer Fraze (@jenofthecity) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry: Bros Bein' Bros. This fall on HBO. #GameofThrones
— Todd VanDerWerff (@tvoti) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry insulting each other like Ned and Robert gives me life. #GameOfThrones#Eastwatch
— Melisandre of Asshai (@TheRedWoman) August 14, 2017
Awww look at Gendry and Jon kicking it like their fathers #GameOfThrones#ThronesYall#NoConfederate
— Bass, no treble (@ifey_in_wa) August 14, 2017
Jon and Gendry together Mind = Blown #GOT#GameOfThrones#ThronesYall
— Namaste Bitches ♋ (@Amanning007) August 14, 2017
Okay. Jon and Gendry fighting together is kinda baller. #ThronesYall
— Melanie Dione (@beauty_jackson) August 14, 2017
Gendry and Jon just had the best meet cute @GameOfThrones#GOT#GOT7#GameOfThronesS7#ThronesYall
— Erica Douglas (@ericapaige240) August 14, 2017
A big, dark cloud hangs over this new friendship, however, as other fans were quick to point out. We can't forget that the story of their fathers is much different than Jon and Gendry know. While Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon were the best of friends, Jon's real father is Rhaegar Targaryen -- a man Robert killed after Rhaegar stole away the woman he loved. Awkward.
Gendry and Jon think their fathers were best buddies when really, Gendry's father killed Jon's pic.twitter.com/2iRqJiM227
— haley (@sergeantdaddy) August 14, 2017
Gendry to Jon Snow: "My Father fought with your Father."
I see what you did there GoT#WesterosWeekly@NewRockstars— Dustin Meisinger (@SirBuster) August 14, 2017
We'll see how Jon and Gendry's friendship holds up when the whole truth comes to light. At the very least, we'll always have the memories of their instant bond.
[via: Twitter]