Everyone Looks Intense in 'Game of Thrones: Battle of the Bastards' Photos
Even though "Game of Thrones," it's pretty apparent what's going to happen just from the title alone: "Battle of the Bastards."
Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton. It's on!
The network did release eight images from the episode, which depict everyone looking intense as hell. No wonder: The two sides are fighting for control of Winterfell and the entire North.
The first image (above) features Sansa and half-brother Jon gazing into the distance. Here's Jon brooding, wearing the clothing his sister made for him:
Jon's new right-hand man, Davos Seaworth, also sees something he doesn't like. Fans are speculating that he may discover that Melisandre burned Shireen as a sacrifice (which didn't work):
And now, a glimpse at the other side of the battle, Jon's bastard foe, Ramsay Bolton. Please, "Game of Thrones," kill him off. We send a prayer to the old gods and new:
Here's a jaw-dropping shot of the battle lines:
And wildling leader Tormund in battle. Let's hope he survives and reunites with his one true love, Brienne:
Jon and Sansa's army may be smaller than Ramsay's, but they also have Wun Wun on their side:
In the teaser trailer, Jon says not to bring him back from the dead should he fall in battle:
"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.
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