Fox Has 'No Plans Right Now' for More 'Prison Break' or '24'
Fox is taking a break from breaking "24: Legacy" star "24" on the 2017-2018 schedule.
Fox is making its upfront presentation today, and execs gave an update to reporters ahead of time. There's a lot of drama in the world of "American Idol" -- which is now moving from Fox to ABC -- but on the topic of Fox's own shows, co-chairman and CEO Gary Newman said (via "Prison Break" after the nine episodes of Season 5 end on May 30.
However, he said they "loved this season," and if the producers come back with an idea for a new story down the line, Fox would be open to it. Co-chairman and CEO Dana Walden added that more "Prison Break" would be "seriously considered" but "we want to make it special." So it's probably not something fans should get used to seeing on the annual schedule. "Prison Break" previously ran from 2005-2009; let's hope any return doesn't take quite as long to hit screens.
In terms of "24: Legacy," star Corey Hawkins is currently on Broadway in "Six Degrees of Separation," and Newman said his schedule "won't allow consideration for the fall." But Newman said more "24" could be in the mix, since they were "so happy with the creative" on "24: Legacy" and thought Hawkins "did a great job." As Walden put it, "replacing Jack Bauer was no easy feat." They said they want to sit down with "24" executive producer Howard Gordon to see if he has ideas on where the franchise could go next.
(Side note: If Corey Hawkins isn't busy with "24: Legacy" this year, maybe he'll have time to return as Heath on "The Walking Dead"? Just saying. They never showed what happened to him.)
This past week, with the surprise renewals of "The Exorcist" (on Fox) and "Timeless" (on NBC, after it was canceled), fans have seen that their voices do matter when it comes to bringing shows back. So if you want to see more "Prison Break" or "24," it might be worth making it that clear, so the executives and producers move those shows to the front burner instead of prioritizing something else.
"Prison Break" still has a few episodes left this year, airing Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Fox. Next is Episode 7, "Wine Dark Sea," on May 16.
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