First Look at 'Wonder Woman' Reveals Beautiful Origin Story
There are shots in this sneak peek of DC's 2017 movie "Wonder Woman" that look like they belong in a beautiful early 20th Century period piece. And in a way, like a few other superhero stories, this is an immigrant's story -- it's just an action-packed one with a lot more more butt-kicking.
"Wonder Woman," which stars Gal Gadot and Chris Pine, is set during World War I and tells the origin story of Amazon warrior Diana Prince. This first look -- with film footage and behind-the-scenes interviews -- debuted during the "DC Films Presents the Dawn of the Justice League" special that also gave us the new "Suicide Squad" trailer.
The cast and filmmakers noted that fans are familiar with Superman's and Batman's backstories, but Wonder Woman has never seen her origin story on film, until now:
"We're going to see her coming of age, the entire history, what's her mission."
"The Amazons were once created to protect man's world, but they since abandoned it. And Diana is asking constantly, 'Why don't we go and do what we were created to do and go protect man?' And they say, 'Because they're not worth it.' And this takes her on a journey into our world."
"She's an Amazon warrior, she's the best fighter in the DC universe. She has strength, speed, and she's been training her whole life for war."
"The greatest thing about Wonder Woman is how good and kind and loving she is, yet none of that negates any of her power."
We'll first meet Wonder Woman in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," which opens March 25, before "Wonder Woman" debuts next year on June 23, 2017.
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