'Fatal Attraction' Is the Latest Movie-to-TV Remake
Adrian Lyne
Michael Douglas
Glenn Close Fatal Attraction
Adrian Lyne
Michael Douglas
Glenn Close Fatal Attraction
Adrian Lyne
Michael Douglas
Glenn Close" data-credit="Paramount" data-credit-link-back="undefined" src="http://o.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/1776x941+0+68/resize/660x350!/format/jpg/quality/85/http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/9d31a3a8d3296a2551301d886d94fedb/202223805/GAC_FatalAttraction.jpg" data-mep="871270" />Because all TV shows are being turned into movies, and all movies are being turned into TV shows, '80s classic film "Fatal Attraction" is being "reimagined" as a limited-event television series.
In the original film, Close becomes obsessed with Douglas after they engage in a brief affair. She starts stalking him and his family, and the situation turns, well, fatal.
This is being described as a "reimagining," which could mean anything. Perhaps the Close character will be portrayed as more likable, less crazy? Maybe the Douglas character will suffer more consequences for his damaging behavior. Who knows? We just hope the — um, spoiler from 30 years ago? — the whole bunny boiling scene makes it into the remake.
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